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This was the only time he asked the boy his age. The boy's father reported the matter to the police last February when he learnt that his son had engaged in sexual activities.Ĭourt documents showed that before they met, Aslam had asked the victim for his age and the latter claimed he was 17. The court heard that some time in mid-January last year, Aslam sent the victim a message via the app requesting sex.Īfter an exchange of messages discussing the price for the act, it was agreed that Aslam would pay the boy, who cannot be named due to a gag order, $130.

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On Friday (July 26), the former horse racing jockey with the Singapore Turf Club was jailed for 18 months for engaging in a sexual act with a person under the age of 14. He looked too small and young to be a 17-year-old but Malik Erasmus Aslam, now 41, did little to verify his age before he proceeded to have sex with the boy he had met on gay dating mobile application Grindr.Īslam also admitted to making an obscene film of their sex act when they met a second time.

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